Letter of congratulations on our KS2 SATs results
We have received a letter of congratulations from Hackney's Director of Education...
We are very pleased and proud to share with you that all three schools in LEAP federation have achieved excellent results in national tests at the end of Y6 for all our pupils. The Director of Education recently wrote to each of our headteachers congratulating them on achieving well above the National and Hackney averages.
You can find a PDF of his letter to Kingsmead at the bottom of this page.
Our KS2 SATs results are a culmination of the work of all the school staff and the children throughout their time at Kingsmead. Although excellent academic attainment is not the only measure of success in a school, we are very proud of last year’s Year 6 children and what they achieved in their statutory tests and are confident they have gone up to secondary school with all the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills they need to succeed.