Kingsmead Pans group perform at Pans Festival

Our fantastic steel pans group were recently invited to perform with others at the first Hackney Steel pans festival.....
The Hackney Music Service organised a new music event this year called The Hackney Steel Pan Celebration Event. It took place in the evening of 15th November at The Bridge Academy. Aran, our amazing Steel Pans teacher worked hard with a group of pans players from Kingsmead and also one from Mandeville to get them ready to perform at the event.
The steel pan players from Kingsmead Ronel, Habiba, Kimarni, Isabel, Elijah, Ahija, Lily and Millah played the song Footsteps and Mandeville’s group played the song Essence.
Both performances went really well and all the children’s hard work practising every week with Aran paid off!
The children were also able to hear professional steel pan players from the Hackney based Pantonic Steel Orchestra.
Here are some quotes from the children before they performed.
Elijah: I'm feeling happy & not that nervous but one part, just before the end is scaring me.
Ahija: I'm scared to play but happy to show people my work.
Lily: I'm happy to be in the G&T group because I get to hear other pan groups and perform in front of them.
And here are some from staff after they performed.
Aran (Steel Pans teacher): We had to work hard preparing for this but they pulled it off and I'm so proud of them all. We look forward to playing at the Summer fair.
Ben (LEAP Music lead): All the children were fantastic, they represented LEAP brilliantly. When Pantonic began to play Ronel and Harry got everyone dancing, it was a spectacular night!
Below is a clip of a part of the children's performance.