The Golden Table

We have a new reward for children showing exceptionally good behaviour in the dining hall at lunchtime.
We have a new reward for children showing exceptionally good behaviour in the dining hall at lunchtime. Those who show that they are following the lunchtime rules will be given a golden ticket, which will have their name on and which will be put into the golden box allowing them the chance of being invited to dine at the Golden Table.
Every 2 weeks seven children's golden tickets will be picked from the golden box and they will receive a special invitation, sent to their class, to dine at the Golden Table with a special guest. Those dining at the Golden Table will be served by staff and eat their food from golden plates. They will have juice to drink from golden goblets!
The lunchtime rules are:
- Quiet and sensible walking along the corridor to the dining hall
- Quiet waiting in line to be served
- Quiet talking in the dining hall
- Eating lunch with good table manners