Kingsmead Cycle Racers at Press Launch

Members of Kingsmead and Gayhurst Schools’ cycle racing teams were invited to a special 100 Days To Go, Tour de France press launch , with Boris Johnson, Mayor of London.
Members of Kingsmead and Gayhurst Schools’ cycle racing teams were invited to a special 100 Days To Go, Tour de France press launch last Wednesday, at Trafalgar Square, with Boris Johnson, Mayor of London. The Tour de France, will be coming though Hackney in just over 100 days!
The children were all given a replica Tour de France leader’s yellow jersey, which Boris signed.
Transport for London have specially painted up 101 bikes in yellow to celebrate the Tour de France coming to London in its 101st year, which will be randomly placed around the capital so look out for them.
There were lots of photographers taking pictures of our pupils with Boris. Thanks very much to Neil Irons (Gayhurst's Cycle Racing team leader), Roderick Ryan (Kingsmead's Cycle racing team leader) and Leon's dad Gavin, for what was a fantastic experience for the children. Look out for press coverage of the event in local and national newspapers.