World Cup Launch 2014

We held a fantastic whole school launch event for the World Cup in early June. Mixed age group teams were supported by over 200 volunteers from RSA who came into the school to help us.
In the first week back after half term, we held a World Cup launch event with a whole day of great activities and fun for all classes from Nursery through to Year 6. Teams of mixed age groups helped each other learn football skills, samba dancing, create designs for football shirts, trophies and much, much more, ending in a fantastic Brazilian carnival for the final hour of the day. Our day wouldn’t have been possible without the help of 22 volunteers from Royal Sun Alliance who came to support us with the event. They absolutely loved the day – here are a few of their comments: 'A brilliant day - the children were fantastic fun and it is an experience that will stay with me for a long time'. 'Great day had by all. The kids were fantastic, really made me smile'. 'A very vibrant school with lots of enthusiastic children. A fantastic day and I'd love to do this again'. More lovely photos of the day are in the Photo Gallery section of our website.