Year 5 visit Cambridge University

This week Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Cambridge, one of Britain's most famous universities
This week Year 5 had the opportunity to visit Cambridge, one of Britain's most famous universities. Cambridge University is home to over 18,000 students and each student is placed in one of the 31 colleges. We visited Clare College, St. John's College and King's College. King's College took over 200 years to build! It was completed under the reign of King Henry VIII. We learnt that university students don't have a school day like we do, instead students have to control their own timetable and are responsible for making sure their work is completed. When you go to university, you choose one subject to study!
It was wonderful to be able to walk through buildings where students have been taught for over 800 years. The trip has inspired Orange Class to consider our aspirations and what we want to achieve in our lives. Many of us thought we might go to university when we are older as it will prepare us for adulthood, allow us to deepen our knowledge and understanding of a chosen subject and will be a fun experience that we’d never forget. "I think I want to go to university so I can keep getting a great education" Harry. "I didn't know that university can have so many colleges. 31!" Psalm. "University is not just for the privileged. Anyone can go" Leon. "Now I know that going to university will open more opportunities for me and help me get my dream job" Diana.