Pop Up Authors visit Kingsmead

There was great excitement and a flurry of activity last week as book authors and illustrators visited Kingsmead
There was great excitement and a flurry of activity last week as book authors and illustrators visited Kingsmead. Each class was linked to their own author or illustrator. The authors in turn were amazed by the curiosity and creativity of the children at Kinsgmead! An arts organisation called Pop Up have scheduled the events.
Here’s a list of the writers and illustrators who have come to meet classes this week:
● Nursery and Reception: Deborah Allwright, who wrote Witch with an Itch. Look at some of the lovely work they have created!
● Year 1 Author Julie Rhodes - The Very Noisy House
● Year 2 Illustrator Salvatore Rubbino - A Walk in London
● Year 3 Tom Clohosy Cole - The Wall. Our Year 3 Class and teacher Rob really enjoyed Tom’s visit. He is an amazing illustrator and writer whose book The Wall explores issues of separation. There are more lovely photos of Tom sharing his enthusiasm and energy with the class and creating a wonderful shared piece of work on the school website.
● Year 4 Author Philip Ardagh and illustrator Axel Scheffler The Grunts in Trouble
● Year 5 have been very interested to learn facts about animals from their book How Animals Live by Christiane Dorion. It has been really interesting to find out what uses some animals find for their own waste!
● Sarah Ardizzone’s book Line of Fire, which Year 6 has been studying, is a translation of an actual diary of a soldier who fought and died in WW1.
Some of our keen readers in Year 5 and 6 have been reading a more challenging novel ‘The Executioner’s Daughter’ and teamed up with some children at Millfields school to meet the author Jane Hardstaff and discuss her book. The novel is set in Tudor times and the main character has the job of collecting the heads after executions. As you can imagine this is an often scary book, but the children said they are enjoyed the challenge of the story.