Welcome to the website of Kingsmead Primary School in Hackney. We are proud of our school and especially our wider community and have grown together to provide an amazing curriculum and offer to all Kingsmead children.
In November 2023 Kingsmead was graded Outstanding by OFSTED who said “Pupils’ best interests are at the heart of all the school’s work. Pupils are exceptionally well behaved and show kindness and respect for their fellow pupils and school staff. The school provides many engaging activities to spark pupils’ interests and nurture their talents.” - you can find the full report here.
This follows an Outstanding grade from Ofsted received in 2012, when Kingsmead was also designated as a National Teaching School.
Between 2014 and 2016 we formed the LEAP federation with our partner schools Gayhurst Community School and Mandeville Primary school - we have one governing body and one Executive Head who lead all three schools. We are delighted that this effective and successful close partnership has led to all three of the LEAP schools being graded Outstanding by Ofsted
Kingsmead also leads the Hackney Teaching Schools' Alliance which is an alliance of 15 other mixed phase schools in Hackney.
This means we can continue to learn from and share best practice with our wider community whilst ensuring the children, staff and parents get the best quality education we can give them.
Kingsmead values its dedicated staff & children and ensures that the children achieve to the best of their ability and have high aspirations for their futures.
The website is here to demonstrate how that looks in practice.
Evelyn Deeney & Louise Nichols
Headteacher & Executive Headteacher
New Reception children loving the playground and outdoor learning as well as want to be super cool when they grow up! #newreceptionclass #cool #outdooelearning #excitedaboutlearning #loveschool